
UPNRM -1 Harithagramam

The UPNRM-1 Harithagramam project, implemented from 2014 to 2021 in partnership with NABARD, focused on enhancing livelihoods, horticulture, and natural resource management. Covering approximately 250 acres of land, the project significantly impacted agricultural development. To promote diversified livelihoods, the project encouraged and supported the establishment of cow rearing, goat rearing, and poultry units, resulting in positive outcomes for participating farmers.

Furthermore, the project prioritized water resource management through the construction of check dams and water tanks, ensuring adequate irrigation for agricultural lands. To conserve vital natural resources, soil and water conservation measures were implemented, such as terracing and contour bunding. The project also emphasized capacity building through numerous trainings for beneficiaries on various aspects of agriculture, livestock management, and NRM. To enhance financial inclusion, 15 Self-Help Groups (SHGs) were formed and actively supported, with credit linkages established through Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and bank connections.